The Most Important Information About Bioactivators

Bioactivators are substances used for the maintenance and cleaning of septic tanks, wastewater treatment plants, reservoirs with residual water, pumping stations, and sanitary installations in homes, hotels, office buildings, schools, and hospitals. They break down deposits and eliminate unpleasant odors. Discover the eight most important pieces of information about bioactivators below.

Wide Usage

Bioactivators have extremely wide usage and can be used in septic tanks, pit latrines, wastewater treatment plants, grease and hydrocarbon separators, agriculture, and rainwater collection basins.

Liquid or Powder

Bioactivators come in liquid or powder form and can be purchased in containers of various weights, from hundreds of grams to several kilograms.

Microorganisms and Enzymes

Bioactivators contain microorganisms and food enzymes. The microorganisms digest the contents of the septic tanks, which include fats, toilet paper, food scraps, and feces, while the enzymes break down organic matter. The water resulting from the action of microorganisms and enzymes is environmentally friendly.

Differences Matter

Bioactivators differ significantly from each other, depending on the technology used to produce them and the microbiological strains they contain.

Don’t Believe in Myths

One of the most widespread myths about bioactivators is that they are not necessary for septic tanks. In reality, bioactivators break down solid particles and are extremely important for the proper functioning of septic tanks. Another myth suggests that bioactivators are used only a few times a year. Specialists recommend, however, that bioactivators be used consistently. Otherwise, problems can arise.

Follow the Dosage

Using bioactivators involves different dosages. Initially, it is recommended to use a larger quantity. Then, a smaller dose of bioactivators should be added each week.

Quality Comes First

There is a wide variety of bioactivators on the market, with equally varying prices. Before purchasing certain bioactivators, do a quick product research. Do not let the price influence your purchasing decision; opt primarily for quality. A quality product will offer corresponding results, even if the purchase price may seem higher.

Be Cautious

When using bioactivators, adopt a cautious attitude. Be careful not to ingest them, keep them out of the reach of children, and follow the label instructions regarding storage space and temperature.

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